Insights from a brand strategist: what she heard about what we do well, and how we’re positioned

We spoke to the brand strategist behind our recent rebrand, Tash Peskin, to delve deeper into the rationale behind Elevate and uncover what some of our customers had to say about working with Elevate.

We spoke to the brand strategist behind our recent rebrand, Tash Peskin, to delve deeper into the rationale behind Elevate and uncover what some of our customers had to say about working with Elevate. Here are the highlights.

Internal vs external perceptions.

Over the course of the insights process, Tash interviewed over a dozen internal and external stakeholders. Internal interviewees covered technology, HR, marketing, and more, as well as board members, to understand company culture from the button up, and back. Externally, Tash chatted to a number of existing customers across all three legacy companies, Telcom, Luminet and GigaBritain, to understand exactly what each brand brought to the table, and the overlap between the three. 

We found that while internal stakeholders were more likely to critique elements of the business, customers didn’t tend to share the same perceptions. Thankfully! Customers gave overwhelmingly positive feedback, especially when it came to customer service and reliability. We really got that they appreciate the direct nature of our account management - the direct access and proactivity always being in place was seen as a huge and overwhelmingly beneficial contrast to their experiences with other providers. 

"It really did feel like a lot of telecom companies and a lot of ISPs are often hiding behind tech. So, you're often talking to a chatbot or triaged by AI, and you go through a ticketing system where you're passed from you know customer service rep to customer service rep. And we've all been there."

Our efforts to keep service personal (rather than rely on chatbots and the like) were something we knew we’d carry through to and highlight in the new brand.

But it became clear what the new brand also needed to focus on, was building external awareness of our capacity to offer end-to-end services, from connectivity, to managed networks, to managed services and beyond.

"One area that was lacking, and this was to be expected, was that customers weren’t aware that Telcom or Luminet individually offered the end to end service. There were plans in place to communicate the integration of the two companies, but we needed to make that end to end delivery really clear: we don’t just install the cables and turn on the internet, but offer a number of managed services too."

Clarifying the MSP shift.

Part of what drove the rebrand in the first place was our shift from ISP to MSP. and this needed to be consolidated in our product architecture, brand strategy and go to market. Clearly defining the offer across connectivity, managed networks, business technology and security was key. Our website and messaging needed to clearly articulate the company's evolved focus across our three key customer types.

The choice of our new name - Elevate - reflects these ambitions, and what’s more, aligns really well with the spirit in which we were founded. The need to be disruptive in an industry that’s not the best it can be. The need to enhance and move things forward. It’s a commitment we’re holding ourselves to.

BUT, the disruption we offer is born of convenience. It’s somewhat ironic, but something that came through loud and clear - that what makes us disruptive is actually how constructive our approach is.

As we move deeper into managed services and business tech, this will stay at the forefront of our efforts, guiding product development to ensure our portfolio always meets the needs of real businesses, and real people.

Long live the lifers.

What became really clear throughout the process was that our people make the business, and talking to the ‘lifers’ that have been with us from the start. To quote Tash: 

"They've not only got the battle scars, but they are the culture, they’re what makes the business. So it's really important to get into their brains and figure out not just what the business is today, but what they always intended it to be."

And in that spirit…

Tech’s great. People are better.

We’ve positioned ourselves as a ‘ground-to-cloud technology partner’, in our move towards added services. But the technology that refers to is in addition to connectivity, never in replacement of people or the personal touch.

What’s become abundantly clear from the insights gathered for the rebrand, is that it’s our people who make us successful, and the personal service that makes us different. And we’ve recommitted to that in earnest in the new brand. 

If you’d like to chat about what we can do for you, we’d love to hear from you.

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