Lewis Cooney
Community Lead
All Work & Social were fighting against a couple of issues that we hear a lot. Namely, lead times and consistency of service.
Lengthy lead times: 90 days lead times and approvals were holding up new tenant connections and slowing trading for All Work & Social.
Comprehensive connectivity: for the XYZ building, All Work & Social needed a robust and far reaching solution to provide the same level of service and experience across all seven stories.
For XYZ, Preconnect® provided the perfect answer, comprehensively connecting the building, while getting new tenants online quickly.
Preconnect® gives businesses the UK’s fastest business internet, lead times that won’t be beaten and prices they can’t get elsewhere. All at no cost to the landlord.
A master wayleave agreement covers the infrastructure, cutting out a huge chunk of installation time, and Preconnect® connectivity is always installed on a 10Gb bearer, making it a super-scalable solution that will grow with the evolving needs of any building or business.
“The team (at Elevate) is very dedicated to providing the best service for their customers. Anytime I have a question, or a problem, or run into something technical where I might be out of my depth, a quick call or email gets results in an hour, if not sooner.”
Lewis Cooney, Community Lead, All Work & Social XYZ
Seamless, secure, super-scalable connectivity. Keeping All Work & Social online, from ABC to XYZ.